D55 presents Disruptive Innovation @ Manchester Tech Incubator 23rd January 2020. D55 are cloud engineering experts who specialise in cloud native applications and migrating legacy systems to the cloud.
Starting at 5.30 for food, drinks and networking, presentations from 6.30. D55's co-founders will be joined by some of the best disruptive innovators based in Manchester.
D55 - Orchestrating 394m calculations using AWS Step Function
Keeping track of huge numbers of calculations is hard. We will talk you through how and why we used AWS Step Functions to transform an overnight batch process into a state machine with super-fast response times.
Presented By - Rhys Jacob
LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/rhys-jacob/
Website - www.d55.co.uk
Twitter - @d55_ltd
BlockRocket – Blockchain, Web3 and a decentralised world – The good, the bad and the ugly
BlockRocket will give a broad overview of the current state of blockchain, web3 and decentralised technologies. They will cover some of the populate applications and use cases of these technologies as well as going into some of the anecdotal and ugly stories from the past 10 years of its existence.
Presented by – James Morgan
LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/jamesemorgan
Website - http://blockrocket.tech/
Twitter - @blockrockettech
Fuzzy Labs - AI for your feet
A look at data-driven personalised fitness using wearable sensors. In this talk we'll see how to collect data using custom hardware, process that data on mobile devices and ship it to the cloud for machine learning. We'll discuss how AI can empower people to take action to improve their health and wellbeing.
Presented by – Matt Squire
LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/matt-squire-a19896125/
Website - http://fuzzylabs.ai
Twitter - @fuzzylabsai
CTO Questions Panel
This event is for CTO, Founders and all those interested in innovative technologies and trends.
Sign up at Eventbrite http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/d55-presents-disruptive-innovation-tickets-85967590377